Normandy – France

Here are the captures from my recent travel to Normandy, a region of the Northern France. 1. Claude Monet Giverny garden. This has a flower garden and also a water garden. It has an ultimate collection of flowers. For the ones searching for flower collections: I had posted a dedicated article for the flower collections.Continue reading “Normandy – France”

Cassis – Calanque d’En-Vau

Calanques- those beautiful mountains, crystal clear sea, Cliffs to dive from, What else one will need to make the weekend exciting. I recently visited Calanque d’En-Vau located near Cassis, in southern France located on the Mediterranean coast. It’s a port city which commands the view of an old chateau. We started our trek from cassis, in the beginning, itContinue reading “Cassis – Calanque d’En-Vau”

Vienne – France

That was my second weekend in Lyon, I heard from my co-worker that there was a city of Roman history near Lyon(Thank you, Mathis). That was Vienne- a city of south-eastern France around 30km from Lyon, situated on Rhone river. It was a former Roman colony and once a center of textile industry. I left earlyContinue reading “Vienne – France”

Grenoble – La Bastille

Before I shifted to Lyon, I visited a friend in Grenoble – a city in southeastern France, around 100 km from Lyon. It is a beautiful city in the proximity of the Alps. La bastille is a fortress in Chartreuse mountain range and overlooking the city, its one of the most visited places in Grenoble. We can reachContinue reading “Grenoble – La Bastille”

A day to be remembered

It was a one day trip which later turned into an adventure to a city called Chauvigny which is towards the east of Poitiers at a distance of 30km from the city of Poitiers, France. It commands a view of Vienne river which is one of the important rivers in south-western France. I was accompaniedContinue reading “A day to be remembered”